Positive statements from all sides on AMU

Dimanche 19 Février 2012

President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika said on the occasion of celebrating the 23rd anniversary of the creation of the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) on Saturday that that "the achievement of Maghreb unity in the time regional and international blocks is a vital and pressing imperative."
Positive statements from all sides on AMU
In a message to HM King Mohammed VI on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), Bouteflika stressed “the need for endeavourig according to a realistic and progressive approach that takes into account the interests of our countries and the aspirations of our peoples.” APS reported.

President Bouteflika added that time is right to think about a Maghreb based on economic complementarity and common policies in different areas.“Algeria will contribute to the collective effort serving the interests of our brotherly countries,” he said, reiterating  his country’s determination to endeavour together with His Majesty to consolidate the achievements and reinvigorate the structures of the Maghreb.

HM King Mohammed VI highlighted His steadfast commitment and sincere willingness to forge ahead with establishing a new Maghreban order through constructive dialogue and fruitful consultation, according to MAP.

In a message to the heads of states of Maghreban countries on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the Maghreb Union, the Sovereign underscored the common and interdependent interests of the regional grouping, stressing the need for the countries of the region to combine efforts with a view to achieving an inclusive and integrated development that will ensure progress and stability to the five countries of the Arab Maghreb Union.

HM King Mohammed VI noted that the deep changes that took place in the Maghreb region and the aspirations of the brotherly peoples of the Maghreb to further freedom, democracy, dignity, integrated development, shared progress and social justice are all factors that emphasize the pressing need for strengthening the Maghreban union, “which represents an inevitable strategic prospect”.

To this end, the Sovereign said, “it behooves us to adopt a pragmatic and united approach according to a realistic and clear vision that is in line with the spirit and the letter of the founding treaty of Marrakech.”

HM the King voiced deep conviction that Maghreban integration is a popular aspiration, a pressing strategic need, and an inevitable economic imperative, reiterating willingness to endeavour together with other heads of Maghreban states for the emergence of a new Maghreban order that has a leading role at the Arab, African and Euro-Mediterranean levels and that ensures the regional and international interests of the five Maghreban.

Positive statements from all sides on AMU
The 30th meeting of Foreign Ministers of the five Maghreban countries opened on Saturday in Rabat.The meeting was attended by Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) Habib Ben Yahya, and Foreign Ministers of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, Saad Dine El Othmani, Mourad Medelci, Rafik Abdessalam and Achour Ben Khayal respectively as well as a Mauritanian delegation led by its Ambassador to Rabat.

The Libyan Foreign minister, who chairs the current meeting, said that the recent political, social and economic development that are taking place in the region require working together with a view to enlarging prospects for a combined Maghreban action based on a clear approach that serves the peoples of the region.

Tunisia’s Foreign Minister described the present meeting as a defining moment in the Maghreban integration and complementarity process.He praised the full commitment of the five countries Maghreban countries to the AMU as well as their clear vision regarding the common action to revitalize the structures of their Union.

Echoing him, Algeria’s Foreign Minister said Maghreban countries are called upon to reinvigorate the structures and institution of AMU. He put emphasis on the need to promote complementarity and economic integration according to a pragramatic and progressive approach that would herald a new era in the common regional action.In this respect, Medelci voiced hope to see the current momentum in Maghreban relations open new prospects in line with the aspirations of the region’s peoples and the instructions of their heads of states.

In the same vein, El Othmani underscored that the Kingdom deems Maghreban integration as a constitutional priority and a strategic necessity at a time of regional groupings.The Maghreban integration, he added, is a popular aspiration given the longstanding civilisational ties and the common destiny between the Maghreban peoples.

In a speech read on his behalf, Mauritani’s Foreign Minister Hammadi Ould Hammadi highlighted the need for fostering Maghreban common action.

Morocco and Algeria signed a memorandum of understanding for the setting up of a political consultation mechanism on Friday in Rabat.It was signed by Moroccan Foreign Minister Saad Dine El Otmani and his Algerian counterpart Mourad Medelci.At a joint press briefing after talks with Medelci, El Otmani stressed that this protocol is a link in the process of developing cooperation between the two countries, started in Algeria.

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/Positive-statem...