Policy Laboratory International training module February 24 – 26 in Mohammedia

Mercredi 22 Février 2012

The British Council is organising in collaboration with Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs – United Kingdom), the International training module from February 24 to 26 in Mohammedia.
Policy Laboratory International training module February 24 – 26 in Mohammedia
This event will benefit for 37 young policy analysts - from five MENA countries: Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco- who are ready to go further in this adventure that aims at creating the first generation of policy analysts in the region.  This event is organized within the framework of the regional project YAANI (Young Arab Analysts Network International), which gathers a generation of young policy analysts, focusing on the future of the region in this context of major changes, while significantly participating in the policy-making process.
This module, which constitutes the second session of the YAANI Policy Lab project, will take place in Morocco, while the third session will be organized in Tunis and the fourth one in Cairo. During this Mohammedia session, participants will go further in the priority themes of the region discussed during the first session held in Casablanca early January 2012. Participants will particularly raise the six following issues: sustainable development, young active people, good governance, education, media, and women. 
The purpose of YAANI is to build a regional network led by young people for the young, and gathering young policy analysts with the aim of discussing the main national and regional issues. To reach that purpose, YAANI set up a personalized programme of activities, which includes trainings, practical learning internships, networking opportunities, collaborations, creative residencies, etc.
The YAANI project will offer a room for dialogue, collaboration, and research-action all through the Arab world and the United Kingdom. These elements will be discussed via a culture of analyses quest and reflexion in order to attain political recommendations aiming at improving the situation of the communities where they work.
This second module, which will take place in Morocco, will constitute an opportunity to discover the policies’ environment and deepen the priorities for the future of the MENA region.

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/Policy-Laborato...