Participation of Large Moroccan Delegation in Centenary of Death of El Hadj Malick Sy Reflects High Solicitude of HM the King for Tidjane Brotherhood - Ambassador

Dimanche 26 Juin 2022

Held under the theme "El Hadj Malick Sy, 100 years later ... focus on his life and work", the event is placed under the high patronage of the President of the Republic of Senegal, Macky Sall, and His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful.
In a speech delivered on this occasion, the Moroccan diplomat stressed that the presence of a large delegation from the Kingdom at this event reflects the ties between the brotherly peoples of Morocco and Senegal, highlighting the common religious constants between Morocco and Senegal, namely the Maliki rite, Sufi Islam and the Achaarite dogma.
This participation, he added, is also an opportunity to further consolidate the historical and the excellent spiritual relations between the two countries and the two brotherly peoples, particularly the human and historical bonds uniting the cities of Tivaouane and Fez, voicing his "pride" in the quality of relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and Senegal.
Given the excellent relations between the two countries, HM King Mohammed VI was keen to deliver his speech on the occasion of the 41st anniversary of the Green March on November 6, 2016, from Dakar, in which the Sovereign welcomed the participation of the brotherly Senegalese people alongside their Moroccan brothers and other citizens of the world in the glorious Green March, the diplomat recalled.
In His speech, the Sovereign praised the continued solidarity and support of Senegal for the higher interests of the Kingdom of Morocco, Naciri pointed out.
In his speech at the official ceremony, President of Senegal Macky Sall commanded the participation of a large delegation from Morocco in this event.
"His Majesty the King thus continues a long tradition of friendly, fraternal and spiritual relations between the Moroccan and Senegalese peoples and their leaders," he said.
President Macky Sall also asked the Moroccan delegation to convey to His Majesty the King "all his gratitude and thanks, in his name and that of the Caliph General and the family of El Hadj Malick Sy" for the high patronage of this event and the participation of this delegation in the celebration of the Centenary of the death of El Hadj Malick Sy.
For his part, the Caliph General of the Tariqa Tijania, Serigne Babacar Sy Mansour, paid tribute to the high solicitude of HM the King towards the community of Tidjanes in Senegal and His Majesty's support for the events and religious meetings initiated by the Tariqa.
In a message read on his behalf by his representative, the Caliph General praised the quality of relations between Morocco and Senegal. "Long live the Morocco-Senegal relationship under the leadership of President Macky Sall and HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful," the message said.
He recalled in this sense the mission of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema, chaired by HM the King, which aims and works to revitalize scientific and cultural activities and promote the common African Islamic cultural heritage.
At the end of his message, the Caliph General of the Tariqa Tijania implored the Almighty to preserve HM the King and to surround Him with His protection and to fulfill the Sovereign in the person of HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid and all the members of the illustrious Royal Family.
The official ceremony celebrating the Centenary of the death of Sheikh El Hadj Malick Sy took place in the presence of the representative of the Caliph General of the Tariqa Tijania, Mohamed Mansour Malick Sy, the Mayor of the town of Tivaouane Demba Diop Sy, Morocco's ambassador to Senegal, members of the Senegalese government in addition to representatives of the local authorities and the diplomatic corps accredited in Dakar.
Besides Naciri, the Moroccan delegation includes Mohammed Lekbir Attijani, Sheikh of the Tidjane Brotherhood of Fez, Abdellatif Bagdouri Achkari of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema, Al Mustapha Zamhani, President of the Local Council of the Ulema of Khénifra, and Mohammed Mechan, President of the Local Council of the Ulema of Fidaa Derb Sultan.
It also includes Mohammed Asseban, President of the Local Council of the Ulema of Rabat, Omar Azdadou, President of the Local Council of the Ulema of R'hamna, Adnan Zouhar, President of the Local Council of the Ulema of El Jadida and Ibn Chouaf Bouchaib, advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans abroad.
The participation of a large Moroccan delegation, on Saturday, in the official ceremony celebrating the Centenary of the disappearance of Sheikh El Hadj Malick Sy, one of the greatest Muslim religious guides of Senegal, is a testimony of the high solicitude of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, towards the Sufi brotherhoods in general and the Tidjane family in Senegal in particular, said Morocco's Ambassador in Dakar, Hassan Naciri.