North-South Prize awarded to Souhayr Belhassen, Tunisia

Mercredi 28 Mars 2012

The North-South Prize has been awarded every year since 1995 to two candidates who have stood out for their exceptional commitment to promoting North-South solidarity.
North-South Prize awarded to Souhayr Belhassen, Tunisia
The candidates, preferably a man and a woman, must have distinguished themselves in the following areas: protection of human rights, defense of pluralist democracy, public awareness raising on issues of global interdependence and solidarity, and strengthening the North-South partnership. The North South Prize is awarded by the Council of Europe.

 The ceremony for the North-South Prize took place on 27 March 2012 in Lisbon (Assembly of the  Republic) at 11h00. The 2011 winners are Souhayr Belhassen (Tunisia) and Boris Tadic,  President of the Republic of Serbia. The Prize was awarded by the President of the Republic of Portugal, in the presence of the President of the Assembly of the Republic,  the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Chair of the Executive Committee of the North-South Centre and many other  personalities.
For the South, Souhayr Belhassen (Tunisia), President of the International Federation of  Human Rights (FIDH), in recognition of her long-time commitment in favour of human rights in  the world, as well as for her fight for the rights of women in developing countries. Her path  is both an example and symbol of the major role played by the women in the historic changes   which have taken place in 2011 in the Arabic world.
For the North, Boris Tadic, President of the Republic of Serbia, in recognition of his  political action for the reconciliation of the Balkans and the integration of his country in  the process of European construction.

His support for international justice has been a  determining factor in the arrest and transfer to The Hague, of the last two criminals sought  by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in 2011 (Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic).

Source :

Nau - Agencies