Muslims march against radical Islam on 15/04 in Paris.

Mardi 3 Avril 2012

Several associations of Muslims in France are calling for a republican march on Sunday, April 15 in Paris, from 15 hours to "say no to religious radicalism", they announced today.
 Muslims march against radical Islam on 15/04 in Paris.
The march will start from the Place de la Bastille in Paris to La Nation, at the  the call of amongst others, of the Conference of Imams,the Institute of Peoples, of the Veterans Association of French Muslims and the Change of View Association.

Muslim organszations, who "refuse any equation of Muslims in France and terrorist acts that are committed in their name," have "a special thought for the families of victims of brutal crimes committed in Montauban and Toulouse" and provide "full support and solidarity". They "invite all French people to come together around common values, around secular France,one and indivisible."

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