Multidimensional Challenges Facing Africa Should be Addressed in Depth (Official)

Mardi 19 Juin 2018

Rabat - The multidimensional challenges facing Africa, including the persistence of conflicts, the proliferation of non-State actors, terrorism, migration and climate change, should be addressed in depth, said, Monday in Rabat, Youssef Amrani, chargé de mission at the royal office.

Amrani, who chaired a meeting on "Peacekeeping in Africa : trends and challenges", as part of the conference organized by the African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO), alongside former Spanish Foreign minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, as well as former Chadian Foreign minister and special envoy of the UN Secretary General for Mali Mahamet Saleh, said that "the awareness by African countries of the major challenges linked to crises, security and development has made it possible to replace the principle of non-indifference with the principle of non-interference".

According to him, the complexity and escalation of certain crises on the continent had demonstrated that peacekeeping operations and military responses alone could not be effective instruments to combat instability, insecurity or violent extremism, considering it fundamental to place peacekeeping operations within the framework of a political process that would go along with political, socio-economic and development reforms at all levels.

"The specificity and fragility of the Sahel region, today confronted with multiple chronic threats of a security, demographic, but also environmental nature", requires "a firm fight against terrorist groups, the strengthening of the rule of law, notably by creating the conditions for sustainable growth, development and security for all the Sahel countries", stressed Amrani.

He added that "Africa is called upon to readapt and renew its pan-African institutions, in particular the African Union through the reform of its Peace and Security Council, for better coordination of working methods and crisis management on the continent".

In this regard, Amrani recalled that Morocco is a member of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union, which is an undeniable recognition of our country's efforts in the area of peace and security on the continent in recent decades, noting that Morocco cannot dissociate security from the triptych (regional integration, development and shared prosperity).

"Morocco, with its experience in human development at the heart of HM King Mohammed VI's African Vision, has promoted the establishment of a genuine partnership base with Africa, in which the Kingdom continues to invest fully alongside its sister countries through concrete actions, such as participation in several stabilization and peacekeeping operations in Africa, a migration policy in line with migrants' needs as well as the promotion of structuring projects, initiated by the Sovereign, to serve sustainable development, economic integration and wealth creation on the continent," underlined Amrani.

He also pointed out that "Morocco will continue to invest constructively and productively alongside all African countries to reduce the factors of instability in their plurality, while continuing its efforts to breathe new life into the dynamics of the African Union, strengthen African unity and solidarity and enable the continent to meet the challenges it faces, particularly in the areas of peace, collective security and sustainable development".

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