Morocco and Spain are Not Only Friendly Countries, But Also Strategic Partners, Spanish FM

Vendredi 29 Juin 2018

Rabat - Morocco and Spain are not only friendly and neighbouring countries, but also strategic partners linked by relations based on respect, dialogue and mutual trust, said, Thursday in Rabat, Spanish foreign minister Josep Borrell.

"Morocco and Spain are not only friendly and neighbouring countries, but also strategic partners that share the same ambition to reinforce this relation, based on respect, dialogue and mutual trust", said the Spanish foreign minister in a statement to the press, after a meeting with Moroccan foreign minister Nasser Bourita. During the meeting, Borrell, who is paying his first foreign visit oversees, outside of Europe, as a Foreign Minister in the new Spanish government, noted a clear convergence of viewpoints between the two countries, reaffirming his government's firm and resolute commitment to deepen and further diversify the bilateral partnership. He pointed out, in this regard, that the relations between Morocco and Spain are a model of cooperation in very sensitive areas such as the migratory flow and the fight against terrorism, underlining the strong interest by the European partners in the relations between the two countries, which are urged to grow stronger based on the Advanced Status signed in 2008 with Morocco, he said. At the economic level, Borrell praised the level achieved by bilateral trade, which has doubled in the last six years, noting that Spain is now Morocco's top trading partner.

"But our relation is not only commercial, it goes far beyond that, it plays a geostrategic role in many issues and I hope it will continue," he said. Borrell, former President of the European Parliament, also called for further strengthening relations between Morocco and the European Union, saying in this context that Spain must play and will play naturally its role so that Europe could focus more on Morocco (...) in order to resolve, as soon as possible, all the problems (fisheries agreement, agriculture, air transport ...). For his part, Bourita affirmed that Morocco and Spain have strong relations and their bilateral partnership has a major strategic aspect for the Kingdom of Morocco, based on a rich shared past, a very constructive historical and geographical neighborhood, an increasingly strong and promising economic partnership and a better and more serene political dialogue that includes all bilateral, regional and international issues.

In this regard, he recalled that Spain is Morocco's top trading partner for the fifth year in a row, Morocco's second largest supplier of tourists and that Spain earmarks at least a third of its African investments to Morocco, in addition to very promising sectoral cooperation in all areas. In this context, Bourita said he has noted, with great satisfaction, during this meeting, the evolution of bilateral relations, stressing that he agreed with his Spanish counterpart, to work together to further enrich this partnership and prepare for upcoming events as the second session of the High Joint Committee, which will be a bilateral meeting of paramount importance.

"We have also discussed the important and key role that Spain plays in relations between Morocco and the European Union and how Madrid constructively and decisively contributes so that the Morocco-EU partnership regains its clout, wealth and pioneering and exemplary aspect in the relations between Europe and its southern neighborhood ", said Bourita, noting the importance of continuing the work to strengthen this relation which is crucial not only for Morocco, but also for the Mediterranean region and North Africa.