Morocco, South Korea Set to Give New Impetus to Bilateral Cooperation

Mercredi 23 Mai 2018

Rabat - Morocco and South Korea have agreed to strengthen their dialogue, partnership instruments and regular political consultations.

On the occasion of the official visit paid by Head of Government, Saad Eddine El Othmani, to South Korea (May 21-22), the two countries agreed to continue their coordination at the United Nations and other international fora, the Department of the Head of Government said in a statement.

El Othmani’s official visit to South Korea, the first of its kind by a Moroccan Head of Government to this country, was an opportunity for both parties to welcome the bonds of friendship and good cooperation existing between the two countries since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1962.

On this occasion, both sides welcomed the upcoming visit of the South-Korean Prime Minister, Lee Nak-Yeon, to Morocco in the second half of 2018 and the convening of the 7th session of the Joint Committee in Seoul during the 4th quarter of 2018.

In the economic field, Morocco and South Korea noted that the loan agreement of South Korea’s Economic Development Co-operation Fund (EDCF), which will be signed later, will enable the two countries to strengthen their economic cooperation in the area of economic development.
The two countries also agreed to organize a roadshow in Seoul on Morocco’s tourism offer, which will be followed by an exploratory mission by South Korean tour operators in the Kingdom.
The two countries also agreed to foster partnerships in the fields of e-learning, scientific research, innovation and technology transfer.

Morocco and South Korea have decided to step up bilateral cooperation in some priority areas, including economic competitiveness, digital economy, innovation, decentralization, regionalization and education. Moreover, the two countries have also agreed to develop cooperation with African partner countries.

On this occasion, the South Korean Prime Minister, who hailed the stability and the development enjoyed by Morocco, commended the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, which enabled the Kingdom to contribute to the promotion of peace and to the development of its region and of the African continent. The Kingdom of Morocco, for its part, welcomed the success of the April 27 inter-Korean summit, which was marked by the signing of the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula.

Regarding the Moroccan Sahara, the Republic of Korea reiterated its support for efforts made within the framework of the United Nations to reach a political solution to the regional dispute. The Republic of Korea also recognized Morocco's efforts to find a solution to the dispute over the Moroccan Sahara and welcomed the return of Morocco to the African Union, as well as its intention to join the ECOWAS. 
During this visit, El Othmani was accompanied by a large delegation including Mohamed Boussaid, Minister of Economy and Finance, Said Amzazi, Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research and Othmane El Ferdaous, State Secretary in charge of investment.

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