Morocco Plays a key Role in Euro-African Partnership (President of French National Assembly)

Samedi 23 Juin 2018

Rabat - Morocco is playing a key role in laying the foundations for a genuine Euro-African partnership, said, Friday in Rabat, president of the French National Assembly, François De Rugy.

"Strongly committed to the development and stability of the African continent thanks to its political actions, its companies and its peacekeepers deployed in African countries, Morocco plays a decisive role to serve a true Euro-African partnership," stressed De Rugy at the opening of the 3rd Morocco-France Parliamentary Forum, held under the theme "The Morocco-France partnership: African perspectives".

"The French-Moroccan Parliamentary Forum was born of a conviction: the need for our assemblies to play their full part in the political dialogue that unites our two countries and the increase in the powers of the Moroccan parliament, after the constitutional review of 2011 at the initiative of HM King Mohammed VI," he said.

The historical, human and intellectual ties established between the two brotherly countries of Morocco and France can only further strengthen this French-Moroccan parliamentary cooperation, he pointed out.

For his part, president of the French Senate, Gérard Larcher, said that Morocco and France have an exceptional partnership. 

"At the previous Forum in April 2015, the Moroccan House of Advisors and the Senate renewed their cooperation agreement so it can be more operational. Since then, we have worked on the effectiveness of legislative procedures, the modernization of working methods and the strengthening of government control, bilaterally and also within a European framework", he underlined. 

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