Morocco, France to Promote Scientific Research in Transport and Road Safety

Mercredi 20 Juin 2018

Rabat  - The Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water, and the "Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie" (AUF) signed a cooperation framework agreement for the promotion of scientific research in transportation and road safety.

Under this agreement initialed by Mohamed Najib Boulif, state secretary for Transportation, and Jean-Paul Gaudemar, AUF's rector, the two parties also undertake to develop training and capacity-building in road transportation and safety, and share information and expertize.

Boulif affirmed in a statement to the press at the end of the signing ceremony that, considering the developments occurring in the sector of road safety, the AUF will assist Moroccan executives mainly in related scientific research.

The said Minister added that the 2017-2026 National Strategy for Road Safety lays provisions for researches based on scientific statistics, which explains the importance of this agreement that offers Moroccan executives the Agency’s scientific and academic experience.

Gaudemar said that the AUF’s field of action is not limited to academic training, but it also includes solving social issues as road safety, noting that this cooperation will enable the Ministry to provide training for executives and staff involved in road transportation. 

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