Morocco, France Discuss Means to Strengthen Bilateral Partnership in Several Areas

Samedi 23 Juin 2018

Rabat - Head of government Saâd Eddine El Othmani met, Friday in Rabat, with president of the French Senate and with president of the French National Assembly, Gérard Larcher and François de Rugy, respectively, who are on a working visit to Morocco to take part in the third Morocco-France Parliamentary Forum.

The talks were an opportunity to reaffirm the distinguished nature of the long-standing friendship and cooperation relations between Morocco and France, as well as the ambition of the leaders of the two countries to see progress in bilateral partnership in various areas, said a statement by the head of government's office.

In this regard, both parties stressed the importance of the issues on the agenda of the third Morocco-France Parliamentary Forum, which deal with cooperation in the areas of politics, security, migration, mobility and the economy, as well as the consideration of new cooperation mechanisms to promote sustainable development in Africa, the statement added.

The two sides also discussed cooperation prospects to consolidate advanced regionalization, reduce territorial inequalities and provide citizens with the necessary public services, in addition to ways of strengthening triangular cooperation programs in favor of friendly African countries, particularly as part of the African strategy led by HM King Mohammed VI.

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