
Tunisia searches for balance and stability.

The Tunisian government has decided to extend the current state of emergency in the country until the end of April, according to an official statement released on Saturday evening by a Presidential...

50th Anniversary Algerian Independence: films shown 2 - 30 April in Madrid

Motion pictures and documentaries will be screened from 2 to 30 April in Madrid to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of Algeria, and at the initiative of the Spanish cultural...

BEA and ArcelorMittal Annaba sign a strategic funding agreement

The Banque Exterieur d'Algérie (BEA) and the Algerian subsidiary of the world's number one steel company, ArcelorMittal, signed a strategic funding agreement, it was learned on Sunday from the...

A mission of 120 EU observers deployed in Algeria

An election observation mission of the European Union (EU), consisting of 120 observers, has been deployed since Friday in Algeria to observe all stages of the legislative elections of May 10, the...

Morocco's Islamist government faces harsh economic times

Rabat is forced to revise its growth rate and budget promises amid rising oil prices, inflation and a downturn in foreign investment Morocco's...

JCI Morocco hosts Africa ME Conference 23 - 26 May 2012 in Casablanca

The International Junior Chamber of Morocco will organise the 2012 JCI Africa & Middle East Area Conference. following the worsening situation in Syria, there were two years initially chosen to...

Tuareg separatist forces take Timbuktu

The MNLA and Ansar Dine have captured Gao and are reported to have taken Timbuktu thus taking most of the North of Mali. Since the coup last week they have moved rapidly to consolidate their...

Egypt: Brotherhood announces presidential candidate

Muslim Brotherhood to field Khairat al-Shater as candidate in May's presidential vote, reversing earlier policy. The Muslim Brotherhood in...

U.N.'s Mega Renovation Project Runs Short of Funds

The United Nations, which is in the process of refurbishing its 62-year-old headquarters building at a cost of over 1.8 billion dollars financed by member states, is now seeking additional funds...

Rebels March Into New Libya With a Hangover

A few hundred police cadets in ad hoc camouflage uniforms march up and down the grounds at a training centre in the coastal town Zawiyah. "You are the people protecting the revolution and symbol of...

UNWTO and Tunisia to hold International Conference on Mediterranean Tourism

UNWTO and the Ministry of Tourism of Tunisia are holding an international conference on the future of Mediterranean tourism on the island of Djerba (16-17 April, 2012)....

Rapper held for song against police

A young Moroccan rapper who has emerged as one of the monarchy’s most outspoken critics was arrested in Casablanca on Friday for a song denouncing police, a judicial official said. “Mouad Belghouat...

Regional Leaders Give Mali Junta Three Days to Step Down

West African heads of state meeting in Côte d'Ivoire have given Mali's military junta three days to restore constitutional order and step down – or face a range of diplomatic and economic sanctions....

Morocco's Green Plan - Opportunities for Wealth Creation and Jobs.

The Green Plan seeks to develop Morocco's Agricultural production through a strategic land reform process tackling the difficult question of small farms which have traditionally been divided amongst...

Renewable Energy: new employment opportunities ?

The need to change sources from fossil fuels and hydrocarbons to renwable energy sources is generally accepted as an environmental issue but will it be successful and will it supply the jobs in the...

Mali: Amadou Touamani Toure talks to journalists

In a telephone conversation with journalists Amadou Touamani Toure told journalists " I am free and in my country" and that "what is important is democracy,institutions and Mali". He refused to...

Uncertain future for Libyan Oil contracts - Reuters.

In an analysis Reuters highlights the uncertainty for some international oil and gas exploration companies (IOCs) over their pre revolution NOC contracts with the NTC goverment....

Tunisia celebrates World Theatre day

The fourth art was honoured,on March 27, 2012, in Tunisia, on the occasion of the celebration of World Theatre Day.Several events are being organized from 27 - 30 March in addition to the...

Mali suspended from ECOWAS

In an extraordinary summit in Abidjan on Tuesday ECOWAs joined other international bodies in suspending Mali from membership of the decision making bodies of the block....

North-South Prize awarded to Souhayr Belhassen, Tunisia

The North-South Prize has been awarded every year since 1995 to two candidates who have stood out for their exceptional commitment to promoting North-South solidarity....