
Study on Algiers and its Vulnerability To Climate Change And Disasters

A study on vulnerability and adaptation to the city of Algiers to climate change and natural disasters has been launched to deal with the issue of climate change and natural hazards in urban areas,...

Morocco Foreign Reserves fall

Morocco lost DH 21 billion in foreign exchange reserves in 2011, according to a statement by Bank Al-Maghrib, the country’s central bank. Morocco’s reserves can only cover five months of imports....

ILO calls for change in Youth employment policies.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) warned that unless there was a change in policy direction, the job market would remain subdued until the end of 2016 and economic growth in the regions may...

Mali ex-junta chief rejects troops

The captain who led a coup in Mali last month before handing power back to a civilian president rejected the decision by West African states to send troops to Mali on Saturday....

Egyptian Presidential elections: a changing scenario.

The Salafist Al Nour party has selected Abdel-Moneim Aboul Fotouh as its candidate. A former member of the Muslim Brotherhood he was expelled last year because he decided to run in the presidential...

KSA logs biggest number of patents in Arab world

Saudi Arabia leads the Arab world in having the biggest number of patents at 147 patents to its credit, figures from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) showed....

Libya: Assessing Berber Prospects

One reason the term “Arab Spring” is a misnomer is because of the participation of non-Arabs, including Kurds in Iraq and Syria as well as Berbers in Morocco and Libya....

Top Moroccan newspaper editor released from prison

A top Moroccan newspaper editor convicted of “disrespecting the judiciary” has completed his yearlong prison sentence and been released. A free...

In Egyptian presidential race, Muslim clerics seek to select candidates

Some presidential candidates have been appearing before committees of islamic clerics who vet them as suitable candidates according to strict conservative islamic observance and questions concerning...

Tourists return to Tunisia after year of turmoil

After revolutionary turmoil saw tourists flee, Tunisia hopes 2012 will mark the start of a recovery in a sector that once brought in 7 per cent of the country's GDP...

Peace Lost in the Libyan Desert

The recent outbreak of violence between the largely segregated Zwai and Tabu tribes in Libya’s remote, Saharan town of Kufra shattered the uneasy calm that held since last February’s clashes,...

A new armed group said to be partially controling Timbuktu

According to several sources, the National Liberation Front of Azawad (FNLA), a new armed group that calls itself secular and non-secessionist, has taken partial control of Timbuktu in northern Mali,...

Libya's NTC considers formation of a new cabinet

Members of Libya's interim ruling council are trying to work out the makeup of a new government after deciding to remove the country's Cabinet just five months after it took office, members said...

Wrangling hampers Libyan drive to try Gaddafi son

Putting the son of fallen leader Muammar Gaddafi on trial on their own soil is a matter of national pride for Libya's leaders, but the lack of a properly functioning state is making it hard for them...

Fragmented Protests Rise in Jordan

On a warm Friday afternoon, police cars blocked the roads around the Al Husseini mosque, where hundreds of men were kneeling for the noon prayers....

Lila Borsali Source :

Lila Borsali records her first Nuba in Rasd Eddil mode

After a first album intitled "Frak Lehbab" (Far from loved ones), devoted entirely to Hawzi, a derivative of the Andalusian music which is specific to the region of Tlemcen. Lila Borsali performs...

ECOWAS to send troops to Mali, Guinea Bissau

West African leaders decided to send troops to coup-hit Mali and Guinea-Bissau to support their return to civilian rule and demanded coup leaders "return to barracks" in both countries....

Libya's ruling council fires Cabinet

Libya's interim ruling council has fired the nation's Cabinet just five months after it took office, citing incompetence, two senior officials said Thursday, just two months before the country's...

Egypt announces list of presidential candidates

Egypt's electoral commission announced the list of presidential candidates on Thursday. Ahmed Shafiq, the premier appointed by president Hosni Mubarak just before his overthrow last year, was...