
Who needs religious reform?

Who needs religious reform? To quote the American Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson from Self-reliance: “Whoso would be a man must be a non-conformist”....

Algeria vote puts status quo to Arab Spring test

Voting began across Algeria Thursday in the country's first polls since the Arab Spring swept the region, with the ruling party, its Islamist allies and the boycott camp all hoping to claim...

Algeria opposition bastion Kabylie to shun vote

In Algeria's proud Kabylie region, a traditional opposition stronghold, few entertain any hope that Thursday's polls can spur a democratic uprising, and voters are a rare and discreet breed....

Libya govt starts to get tough on road to democracy

The tendency to resort to the arms which ousted Moamer Kadhafi poses a roadblock to democracy in the new Libya, analysts warn, while recognising the government's growing capacity to defuse crises....

Thousands in Mauritanian anti-regime protest

Thousands of Mauritanian opposition activists staged a march and sit-down protest in Nouakchott Wednesday evening, calling for former coup leader President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz to step down....

Algeria’s election looms, but there are no great expectations

Despite a wealth of parties, low turnout is predicted as many Algerians see the election as a ‘foregone conclusion’ A woman complains about living conditions at her home in a shantytown near...

Islamist ‘fears Algeria vote fraud’

Algerian radical Islamist party leader Abdallah Djaballah said onTuesday there are signs of a plot to steal this week’s parliamentary elections, but that his party will win if the vote is clean....

President Bouteflika: Algerian youth will stand up against the enemies of the country

President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika said on Tuesday in Setif he is confident that "young Algerians will stand up against the enemies of the country and will face the instigators of Fitna...

Islamists issue ultimatum over Algerian hostages: spokesman

An Islamist group that abducted seven Algerian diplomats in Mali has warned Algiers that if it fails to meet its demands within 30 days, the hostages' lives will be in danger....

EBRD to attract $10bn into N Africa, Jordan

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) hopes to attract investment of 7.5 billion euros ($9.77 billion) a year into North Africa and Jordan, its president said....

U.S. Should Forge "New Partnership" With Turkey, Report Say

Major changes that have swept both Turkey and its neighbourhood since the Cold War require Washington to forge a "new partnership" with Ankara, according to a new report released Tuesday by the...

Mubarak Still Has His Billions

More than a year since president Hosni Mubarak was removed from power, the money he allegedly syphoned from Egypt during his 29-year rule remains beyond the reach of authorities attempting to recover...

Qatar Telecom's Tunisian unit gets phone licenses

Qatar's largest telecommunications provider said Monday its Tunisiana subsidiary has won licenses to operate fixed-line and 3G mobile services in Tunisia, boosting the Gulf state's influence in the...

Egypt frontrunners face their pasts on vote trail

Two of the top contenders for Egypt's presidency are confronting a similar challenge on the campaign trail: their past. Leading Islamist Abdel Moneim Abol Fotouh and veteran diplomat Amr Moussa are...

Libya holds first civilian trial of alleged Gaddafi supporters

Libya began its first civilian trial of alleged supporters of Muammar Gaddafi's regime on Tuesday, officials said, as five men accused of planning to create instability by "terrorist acts" appeared...

EU supports new ILO project to promote job creation in Tunisia

Head of the European Union Delegation to Tunisia Adrianus Koetsenruijter, Monday, took stock of co-operation between the European Union and Tunisia since the Revolution of January 14 at a lunchtime...

Greek, French Elections Sound Death Knell for Austerity

The voting out of conservative governments in France and Greece this weekend heralds the end of harsh European austerity programmes and ushers in an era of new economic, investment, and social...

North African fighters join AQIM

About a hundred fighters from across North Africa have joined the ranks of an Al-Qaeda offshoot which now dominates northern Mali, a Malian defence ministry official said on Sunday....

Algeria’s new Islamists won’t rock the boat

Moderate Islamist parties should emerge the winners of a parliamentary election in Algeria on Thursday but they are unlikely to push for substantial change in a country ruled by the same elite since...

The Algerian economy must create 350,000 jobs annually to absorb unemployment

Algeria's economy is expected to create about 350,000 jobs per year of employment to absorb unemployment in the country, the Chairman of the Forum of Heads of Enterprises (FCE), Reda Hamiani said...