
Amnesty:courage of Arab Spring protesters matched by a failure of world leadership.

"The courage shown by protesters in the past 12 months has been matched by a failure of leadership that makes the UN Security Council seem tired, out of step and increasingly unfit for purpose."...

Mali leader heads to Paris for medical tests after assault

President Diacounda Traore has flown to Paris for treatment following an attack by a crowd protesting at the agreement with ECOWAS to extend gis tenure for a year AP reported....

U.N. Chief Disappointed Over Deadlocked Rio+20 Negotiations

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who has invested heavily in the success of the upcoming U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), is publicly expressing his frustration at the lack of...

Al-Qaeda Claims Deadly Yemen Suicide Blast

Al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing in the centre of the Yemeni capital that has left nearly 100 people dead. Officials...

And Finally, To Vote

As Egyptians head to the polls Wednesday and Thursday to elect the country's first post-Mubarak president, local analysts say that voting results - even on the very eve of the balloting - remain...

The Western Sahara: the search for a solution

Last Thursday Morocco withdrew its confidence in the UN Secretary General's Special Respresntative for Western Sahara Christopher Ross.Has a new chapter opened in the dispute or has the procress...

Egypt votes for its President today

50 million registered Egyption voters are going to the polls today to elect a new President, early reports indicate a high turnout amid an atmosphere of excitement. Voting are beginning early to...

Egyptians and Saudis can unite to promote justice

Saudi Arabia has announced it will re-open its embassy in Egypt, after closing it in late April due to massive protests. The conflict began when Ahmed al-Gizawi, an Egyptian human rights lawyer,...

Ahead of Elections, Military Well Entrenched

As Egyptians prepare to elect their country’s first president since the uprising that toppled dictator Hosni Mubarak, the military junta that has ruled for the last 15 months has shown little sign...

The 5th Chinese Arab Forum 29-31 May. Tunisia

The fifth Arab-Chinese forum, jointly organized by the Arab League and the People's Republic of China with Tunisia will be held from May 29 to 31 in Hammamet, under the theme "deepen the strategic...

Developing Algeria's Dairy industry

Algeria is working to establish food self sufficiency and the dairy sector is an important part of the process. Mahmoud Benchekor, president...

Karima Skalli Mawazine Festival 2012 Source :

Hilary Clinton Signs $100 Million Cash Transfer Agreement with Tunisia

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton signed a $100 million cash transfer agreement with Tunisia as part of the Obama administration’s efforts to support the country through its democratic...

Abdelbaset al - Megrahi dies

Abdelbaset al -Megrahi died on Sunday. He was a Libyan secret service agent and the sole person convicted of the Pan Am Boeing 747 flight 103 bombing which exploded over the Scottish town of...

Mali coup leader agrees to extension of transitonal president's mandate.

Captain Amadou Sanogo has agreed to drop his objections to an extention of the original 40 day mandate following ECOWAS's threat to reimpose sanctions....

The G8 Conference :"Jobs and Growth."

David President Obama spoke of an emerging consensus that European countries must focus on jobs and growth.The leaders of France, Germany, the US, the UK, Italy, Japan, Canada and Russia met at Camp...

Malnutrition crisis spreading in Niger -Save The Children

Malnutrition is now affecting 6 million children in Niger and 18 million in the Sahel / Sahara region and a Save The Children spokesman has said that the "tipping point " has now been reached and...

EBRD: Call to aid Arab Spring economies

The international community must invest in the economies of the Arab Spring, to foster their transition into prosperous democracies and bolster them against the threats of instability and...

G8 Turns to Private Sector for Food Crisis Solutions

On the eve of the Group of Eight (G8) summit near Washington, President Barack Obama on Friday unveiled a major new initiative aimed at shoring up food security and combating global hunger....

Protestors Demand Robin Hood Tax on Financial Transactions

Hundreds of nurses and protestors from other professions gathered on Friday in Chicago to call on world leaders to adopt a Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street transactions as a way to raise hundreds of...