
HM the King Congratulates Erdogan on his Re-election as President of Turkey

Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI sent a congratulatory message to Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his re-election as President of the Republic of Turkey. In this message, the Sovereign expresses to President...

Swiss Environment Minister to Visit Morocco on Thursday

Geneva – Swiss minister for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, Doris Leuthard, will pay a working visit to Morocco heading a delegation of economic operators. This visit...

Morocco a 'Decisive' Player in Global Efforts to Counter Terrorism (US official)

Skhirat - Morocco has played a "decisive" role at the forefront of global efforts to fight terrorism, said, Tuesday in Skhirat, President Trump's Special Envoy for the Coalition to Defeat ISIS, Brett...

Swiss Environment Minister to Visit Morocco on Thursday

Geneva – Swiss minister for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, Doris Leuthard, will pay a working visit to Morocco heading a delegation of economic operators. This visit...

Morocco a 'Decisive' Player in Global Efforts to Counter Terrorism (US official)

Skhirat - Morocco has played a "decisive" role at the forefront of global efforts to fight terrorism, said, Tuesday in Skhirat, President Trump's Special Envoy for the Coalition to Defeat ISIS, Brett...

Horst Köhler en visite au Maroc

L'Envoyé Personnel du Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies pour le Sahara marocain, Horst Köhler, effectue une visite au Maroc dans le...

5th International Conference on Al-Quds Opens in Rabat

Rabat - The 5th International Conference on Al-Quds, organized at the initiative of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, under the theme "The Question...

5th International Conference on Al-Quds Opens in Rabat

Rabat - The 5th International Conference on Al-Quds, organized at the initiative of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, under the theme "The Question...

Full Text of HM the king's Message to Participants in the Fifth International Conference on Al-Quds

Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI sent a message to participants in the 5th International Conference on Al-Quds, organized at the initiative of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of...

Morocco Reaffirms its Strong Commitment to Palestinian Cause, Marked by Unwavering Support & Full Solidarity (HM the king)

Rabat - Morocco reaffirms its strong commitment to the Palestinian cause, marked by unwavering support and full solidarity, stressed HM King Mohammed VI, affirming that the kingdom has made to...

Full Text of HM the king's Message to Participants in the Fifth International Conference on Al-Quds

Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI sent a message to participants in the 5th International Conference on Al-Quds, organized at the initiative of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of...

Morocco Reaffirms its Strong Commitment to Palestinian Cause, Marked by Unwavering Support & Full Solidarity (HM the king)

Rabat - Morocco reaffirms its strong commitment to the Palestinian cause, marked by unwavering support and full solidarity, stressed HM King Mohammed VI, affirming that the kingdom has made to...

3MA au festival des musiques sacrées : Un grand moment d’émotion aux couleurs de l’Afrique

Les trois grands maitres des cordes, le Marocain Driss El Maloumi, le Malien Ballaké Sissoko et le Malgache Rajery, réuni dans le trio 3...

Togo: les facilitateurs de la Cédéao à Lomé pour consulter les parties

Les présidents ghanéens et guinéens désignés par la conférence des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement de la communauté économique des Etats...

Terrorisme: 343 attentats et 2.600 victimes recensés en Afrique

Environ 343 attentats terroristes ont été recensés en Afrique ayant entrainé au moins 2.600 victimes, soit 22 fois plus qu’une Europe en...

De 20 ans de prison ferme pour Nasser Zafzafi à 1 an pour les autres détenus

Le verdict des 53 détenus du Hirak à Casablanca a été rendu dans la soirée du 26  juin. Les peines varient entre 20 ans de prison ferme pour le leader du Hirak Nasser Zafzafi, et un an pour ses...


Vivant entre les rivières Lubudi et Kasaï, dans le centre sud de la République démocratique du Congo, les Luluwa sont connus pour leurs...

Hervé Renard: le Maroc? Il y est, et il y restera, selon les Lions de l'Atlas

Kiosque360. Après la fin du Mondial, pratiquement tous les joueurs de l’équipe nationale ont exprimé leur attachement au coach national et...

Démantèlement d'un énorme réseau de trafic de psychotropes

Kiosque360. La coopération policière entre le Maroc et l’Espagne a permis le démantèlement d’un important réseau de trafic de psychotropes....

Tabac: ce que gagne l'industrie, ce que perdent les Marocains

Kiosque360. Les entreprises de tabac gagnent des bénéfices annuels estimés à 15 milliards de dirhams, grâce à l'augmentation de la consommation de tabac dans les espaces publics et suite au blocage...