Mali PM announces new cabinet Ministers.

Jeudi 26 Avril 2012

Interim prime minister Cheick Modibo Diarra has formed a new government with a 24 member cabinet giving three military personnel linked to the coup key cabinet positions.
Mali PM announces new cabinet Ministers.
The three military cabinet members are  Colonel Yamoussa Camara, Colonel Moussa Sinko Coulibaly and General Tiefing Konate. They will hold the defence, interior and civil protection portfolios in the west African
country where the military seized power last month, AFP reported.

Mali's current situation is the result of "a deficit from the(previous) government and a lack of capacity to anticipate," AFP  quoted Diarra as saying earlier.A coalition consisting of about 50 political parties and civil organizations opposed to the junta said it was not consulted before the government's formation, Reuters reports.

It is not clear how long the ministers will serve or when fresh elections will be held in the country. The junta agreed to hand over power to an interim administration as part of a deal struck with the West African regional organization ECOWAS earlier this month.

The junta’s leader, Captain Amadou Sanogo, has insisted his military committee “will continue to play a supervisory role until new elections are held,” the BBC reports.

The Prime Minister has said he is ready to negotiate with the MNLA and Ansar Dine in Northern Mali but not under duress.Earlier calls for "total war" from interim President Diaconda Traore appear to have been toned down. The deployment of an ECOWAS  force of 3,000 soldiers is still being discussed.

List of members of the transitional government is as follows:

1 - Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Sadio Lamine Sow

2 - Minister of Economy, Finance and Budget:

3 - Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs:
Colonel General Staff Yamoussa CAMARA

4 - Minister of Internal Security and Civil Protection:
General Tiéfing KONATE

5 - Minister of Public Service, Governance and Administrative Reform and Policy, in charge of Relations with Institutions:
Mamadou Traore Namory

6 - Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Regional Development:
Colonel Moussa Coulibaly Sinko

7 - Minister of Commerce, Mines and Industry:
Ahmadou Toure

8 - Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries:
Moussa Sidibe Leo

9 - Minister of Youth, Labour, Employment and Vocational Training:

10 - Minister of Health:

11 - Minister for Education, Literacy and the Promotion of National Languages:

12 - Minister of Justice, Attorney General:
Malick Coulibaly

13 - Minister for Malians Abroad and African Integration:
Ms. Traore Rokia GUIKINE

14 - Minister for Humanitarian Action, Solidarity and the Elderly:
Dr. Mamadou Sidibe

15 - Minister for Family and the Promotion of Women and Children:

16 - Minister of Energy, Water and Environment:
Alfa Bocar NAFO

17 - Minister of Crafts, Culture and Tourism:
Mrs. Diallo Fadima TOURE

18 - Minister of Communications, Posts and New Technologies, Spokesperson of the Government:
Hamadoun Toure

19 - Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Housing and Urban Development:
Mamadou Coulibaly

20 - Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research:
Harouna Kante

21 - Sports Minister:

22 - Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Budget, Budget Officer

23 - Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Civil Service, in charge of Political Reforms and Relations with Institutions:
Yacouba DIALLO

24 - Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Youth, Labour and Employment and Vocational Training, in charge of Youth and Training:

Source :

NAU - Agencies