Mali: Amadou Touamani Toure talks to journalists

Jeudi 29 Mars 2012

In a telephone conversation with journalists Amadou Touamani Toure told journalists " I am free and in my country" and that "what is important is democracy,institutions and Mali". He refused to give details of his location.
Mali: Amadou Touamani Toure talks to journalists
The coup leaders have announced a new consitution with 69 articles and a transitional interim ruling council with 41 military and 15 civilian  personnel who will be granted indemnity from prosecution. Captain Amadou Sanogo will be the head of state and appoint a  temporary prime minister and ministers before an  election the date of which is yet to be announced.
 A pro coup demonstration of several thousands of suporters took place yesterday in Bamako.
 A delegation of ECOWAS army chiefs has arrived in Bamako prior to the team of 6 ECOWAS presidents led by President Blaise Campaore  of Burkino Faso which Al Jazeera reports is to arrive on Thursday.Their preferred option is an intermim government headed by the speaker of Mali's parliament.

The ECOWAS leaders have subsequently turned back from their flight to Bamako  in midair due to a pro coup demonstrators on the run way and will now meet in Abidjan.

Source :

Nau - Agencies