MNLA declares Independence for Azawad

Vendredi 6 Avril 2012

The fast moving situation following the Coup a week ago and the Tuareg victories in the North has taken another turn with a declaration of independence by the MNLA for Azawad, the homeland they claim in the North.
MNLA declares Independence for Azawad
We solemnly proclaim the independence of Azawad as from today," Mossa Ag Attaher, a spokesman for Mali's National Movement  for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), said on France 24 television, confirming a statement on the group's website.

French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet said Friday: "A unilateral declaration of independence that was not recognised by African states would have no meaning." Accoding to AFP.

Armed Islamists seized the Algerian consulate in Gao in northeastern Mali on Thursday and abducted seven diplomats, Algeria’s foreign ministry and witnesses said.

“The consul and six members of the Algerian consular mission have been taken to an unknown destination,” the foreign ministry  said in a statement published by the APS news agency.

“A crisis team has been established to follow developments so that everything necessary will be done to ensure the safe and sound return of our nationals.”Algerian Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci said the government was “fully mobilized” to ensure the diplomats’ release.

“We do not know who is currently holding them,” APS reported him as saying. Algeria said an “unidentified group” had carried  out the attack. Witnesses told AFP the raiders had hoisted the black Salafist flag that has been the emblem of Islamist rebels who have overrun Timbuktu and other northern cities.

Regaining the North of Mali could require an extensive military operation which may be beyond the capacity of neighbouring African states.Many subsaharan Africans also live in the North and consider themselves Malians.

The repressive activities and reported looting by the islamist group Ansar Dine which has links to AQIM and is committed to introducing shaira, has drawn international and regional condemnation from the UN,US,France and other governmentsLocal reports suggest that Ansar Dine is in charge of Timbuktu and other regions, so the Tuareg themselves appear to be split. It is not clear how much control over the region the MNLA actually has.

The junta in Bamako is coming under intense pressure from Ecowas to step aside and the coup leader Captain Amadou Sangoro is looking increasingly isolated and assailed by criticism from all sides including some political parties in Mali. Commentators consider that he will be unlikely to last as head of state for much longer given the economic sanctions imposed by Ecowas and many western governments.

Amnesty International joined Oxfam and World Vision who have warned of a huminitarian disaster in the region which is afflicted by long term drought and many suffering malnutrition. Aid agency food stores have been looted in the North and they are now unable to mount relief operations. An estimated 200,000 have fled the fighting and many are still trying to flee from the North.

Many are blaming the failure to control the movement of weapons in Libya following the fall of the Gaddafi regime by Nato and its allies for the current chaotic situation in Mali.

According to Al Jazeera this evening Ecowas and the Juanta have reached agreement and both Amadou Touamani Toure and Captain Amadou Sanogo will both resign their  government positions and an interim
government for Mali will take over until elections take place.

Source :

Nau - Agencies