Kofi Annan named as Joint UN Special Syrian Envoy

Vendredi 24 Février 2012

The United Nations on Thursday named its former Secretary General, Kofi Annan, as the international troubleshooter to try to end the Syrian government's deadly crackdown on protests
Kofi Annan named as Joint UN Special Syrian Envoy
As special envoy for the UN and Arab League, Annan will "provide good offices aimed at bringing an end to all violence and human rights violations, and promoting a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis," the two bodies said in a statement.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Arab League chief Nabil el-Arabi said they were "grateful to Mr. Annan for accepting this important mission at a critical time for the people of Syria."

Ban Ki-Moon had wanted an Arab envoy, from a country like Algeria, but Arab governments did not want the main envoy to come from the region because of divisions over how to deal with Syria, diplomats said.

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/Kofi-Annan-name...