Italian hostage freed in Burkina Faso arrives back in Italy

Jeudi 19 Avril 2012

The Italian hostage Maria Sandra Mariani freed in Burkino Faso arrived back in Italy at Rome Airport on Wednesday.
Italian hostage freed in Burkina Faso arrives back in Italy
“Maria Sandra Mariani is free. I have just informed her relatives. I join them in their great satisfaction and relief at this magnificent news,” Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi was quoted as saying in a statement, reported APS.

Mariani was travelling as a tourist with a driver and tour guide when she was kidnapped in a remote area of southern Algeria on February 2.

The driver and guide were later released and said they had been kidnapped by “14 men riding in two Toyota trucks”, a security source said at the time.

The foreign ministry also vehemently denied reports in some media that a three-million-euro ($4.0-million) ransom had been paid.

The Foreign ministry confirmed to ANSAmed that Burkino Faso and President Blaise Compaoré were  very instrumental in the hotsage's release.

This is a happy ending to a long captivity an encouraging sign that hostage release is still possible. How Maria Sandra Marianai was eventually released after being moved to two or three countries is a fascinating story which perhaps will one day be revealed but it shows that diplomatic efforts can work, in contrast to the abortive British Nigerian military rescue operation where a British and an Italian were killed. Italy expressed outrage that they were not informed before the rescue attempt took place.

The latest hostage, a Swiss  Christian missionary was kidnapped in Timbuktu by armed gunmen last Sunday.

Source :

NAU - Agencies