Investment Promotion in the Southern Algerian Highlands.

Mercredi 1 Février 2012

The National Agency for Investment Promotion (ANDI) organized a meeting on investment in Tindouf last Monday, the first of a series of thirty meetings scheduled in the wilaya of the South and Central Highlands, it was learned from the agency.
Investment Promotion in the Southern  Algerian Highlands.
These meetings are intended to be an extension of  measures to support investment, especially after the Council decision on  National Investment (CNI) at its 59th session, to implement the plan for  benefits to be granted to areas whose development requires a  particular contribution.
These measures include nearly 600 municipalities, including all those within the 10 wilayas of the Deep South, as well as municipalities in  wilayas of the Highlands, officials said a source familiar with the matter.The incentives regime are applicable to  the wilayas of the South and the Highlands.

The National Agency for Investment Development, by decision of CNI and after deliberations of the Council of Ministers, announces the implementation of the incentives regime applicable to the wilayas of the South and the Highlands.

The decision of the CNI concerns:

The incentives to be granted to investments in areas whose development requires a special contribution of the state, including fiscal tax exemptions and parafiscal exemptions provided for by Ordinance 01-03, as amended and supplemented,incentives in terms of funding, such as interest rate  subsidies, incentives in terms of charges related  to rental concessions of land in the private domain of the State, for investments made in the said wilayas.

The Algerian government  announced an investment of $ 286 billion for the period 2010-2014 .This is divided between big projects which have already been initiated for rail roads and water ($130 billion) and new projects ($156 billion).

The structure for FDI is a 49/51 per cent joint venture including private and public partnerships with an Algerian company. Many  potential international investors do not find this arrangement very attractive and the original 2005 legislation which allowed 100 per cent foreign owned investment  was reversed in 2009. FDI is directed towards ensuring the economic development and social well being of Algeria.

In an ANDI summary of investment projects 2002-2011 there were 46,833  local investment projects which were 99.05 per cent of total investment worth 4.4 million AD creating 672,921 jobs created. FDI resulted in 242 projects worth 1.3  million AD and 55,424 jobs created.

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