International Academic Seminar on Moroccan Sahara Opens in Chile

Samedi 23 Juin 2018

Santiago - An International Academic Seminar on the Moroccan Sahara opened, on Friday in Santiago, with the participation of several university researchers, human rights activists, trade unionists and civil society representatives from Latin America and Morocco.

This three-day event will be an opportunity to discuss several themes focusing particularly on the Sahara issue, the status of Morocco in Africa, the proposal of autonomy in the Sahara and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Participants will also discuss, in working groups, the topics of "human rights" and "the role of women and civil society nowadays". Organized at the initiative of the Santiago-based Center for Maghreb Studies for the Americas, this academic event includes a number of meetings attended by eminent professors and experts who will present their analyses and points of view on a variety of current issues in relation to the Maghreb.

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