Games’ minds behind new grossing films!

Samedi 5 Mai 2012

A month ago, I discovered the mysteries of Panem while watching “ The Hunger Games.” The film has its set up in a futuristic flash-forward style by engaging youngsters in a reality TV show mastered by a repressive fictional government. They randomly selected few children to fight in an annual bloody rendezvous. That said, I still didn’t get the moral lesson behind the flick.
Games’ minds behind new grossing films!
Few weeks ago, “the Cabin in the Wood” pleasantly surprised me. It was pretty damn scary. I lately didn’t bother to see new horror films until the most awaited “ the Dark Shadows” by Tim Burton will hit the silver screens on my birthday’s week, but I think “ the Cabin in the Wood” was getting really good reviews, so I took a chance. It was quiet good- a lot of tense moments to further the plot, and really scary scenes before the denouement. The scenes inside the government lab were similar to a blender machine of making smoothie out of humans and weird creatures. I was crouched so low in my seat; I felt I was next to the floor. I hope there will be a second part because I will be looking to enjoy the pothead character of Franz Kranz (Marty). That said, there are few scenes that are simply borrowed from “ Evil Dead” by Sam Raimi. The film has also adopted Tarantino’s famous formula by paying homage to some influential films from Japan. By saying that, I will never mind to go back and watch the next commercial by Joss whedon and Drew Goddar. However, they need a prudent script-girl to avoid last minute gashing mistake that take away your chances to be considered for an Oscar. Seriously, there was a sequence of Marty when he lights a “white” joint in scene A, and then the joint has turned slightly grey and darker in scene B. there was no ellipse of time to justify the latter. Don’t get me wrong, we still understand cinema as continuity of ideas and logical camera moves and positions.

The story of the film is a true mise-en- abime. It just reminds me of how to write a novella where a “character awakens from a dream and later discovers that he or she is still dreaming.” This might trigger our memories to think of “ Inception” or “ Enter the Void”, but I guess it’s okay to feel privileged as a know-it all moviegoer. Game Over.

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Simo Ezoubeiri