France denounces the summary execution of Malian soldiers at Aguelhok.

Mardi 14 Février 2012

The French Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Henri Raincourt, said on Monday on Radio France International (RFI) that a massacre of 82 Malian soldiers took place on January 24 at Aguelhoc in Northern Mali.
France denounces the summary execution of Malian soldiers at Aguelhok.
The French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé said that he could not confirm an AQMI link with the MNA  "it's not very clear what role Al-Qaeda or AQMI played has in these attacks, but there have been appalling massacres that we have condemned." he said, according to AFP .Henr Raincourt called for an immediate end to hostilities.

Aid agencies reported at least 20,000 people had fled the fighting to neighbouring Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Niger. However the figure was rising fast as Mauritania reported Monday it now had over 13,000.Malian President Amadou Toumani Toure briefly attended an education conference in Burkina Faso on Monday, where the government says some 10,000 Malians are seeking refuge.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has visited the area to evaluate the situation and to distribute rice, salt, oil and basic necessities to the 4,000 displaced individuals around the city of Aguelhok.The Red Cross had said Thursday that "at least 30,000 people are displaced in Mali and living in extremely precarious conditions."

France denounces the summary execution of Malian soldiers at Aguelhok.
The Afrivcan Union (AU) has decided to take  part in attempts to resove the conflict according to the Algerian daily newspaper El Watan. Burkina Faso, the country that hosted  nearly 10,000 Tuareg refugees since the conflict began  announced that the AU was preparing for "initiatives". The announcement was made on the sidelines of a meeting between the Burkinabe President, Blaise Compaore, and a presidential envoy to the AU, Thomas Boni Yayi of Benin. "A Message from the President of Benin, new head of the AU, has been forwarded to Mr. Compaore Saturday by the Beninese Minister of Foreign Affairs,  Dr Nassirou Arifari-Bako," said the president of Burkina Faso in a statement.

Mr. Bako-Arifari has, the source said, "indicated that the issue of the Tuareg rebellion in Mali was approached" with President Compaore. This "dialogue",  follows a mission sent by President Boni Yayi with the Head of State of Mali, Amadou Toumani Toure, to "consider  what actions to take." "Further consultations are underway and the AU Peace and  the Security Coùmmission of the AU is taking initiatives," added the President of Burkina Faso. This African initiative, comes a week after mediation  conducted between the Bamako and Tuareg rebels by the Algerian government.

Mr. Bako-Arifari has, the source said, "indicated that the issue of the Tuareg rebellion in Mali was approached" with President Compaore. This "dialogue", says it still follows a mission sent by President Boni Yayi with the Head of State of Mali, Amadou Toumani Toure, to "consider actions to take." "Further consultations are underway and the AU Peace and Security Coùmmission of the AU is taking initiatives," added the president of Burkina Faso, without elaborating. This African initiative, says it, comes a week after mediation effort conducted between Bamako and Tuareg rebels by the Algerian government.

The MNLA has accused the Malian forces of using helicopter gunships piloted by Ukranian mercenaries and of committing genocide, according to El Watan.

A report from Reuters confirms that Malian helicopter gunships bombed rebel positions near the key northern town of Kidal on Friday, a military official said, hours after former colonial power France called for a ceasefire and immediate talks to end the rebel offensive.

France, which remains an ally of its former colonies, backed Bamako's stance against the rebels' claim for an independent north. In a further sign of disruption caused by clashes, the United States delayed its annual counter-terrorism training for its allies in the Sahara region.There is concern that the Presedential elections in Mali scheduled for April might be delayed by the conflict.


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