Egyptian Prime Minister orders the dissolution of the national football board

Jeudi 2 Février 2012

Egyptian Prime Minister Kamal el-Ganzouri on Thursday ordered the dissolution of the board of the national football association in the wake of violence that killed 74 died after a game between the clubs of Port Said and Cairo, AP reports.
Egyptian Prime Minister orders the dissolution of the national football board
Kamal el-Ganzouri said to an emergency parliamentary session that the governor of the province of Port Said and the local police chief had resigned.

The tragedy took place at the end of a meeting which resulted in the unexpected victory of 3-1 by Al-Masry Club of Port Said, against that of Al-Ahly in Cairo. Fans then invaded the pitch. In another game which was suspended a crowd invaded the pitch and set fire to it.

Egyptian activists have accused the police and the army not to be intervened to stop the carnage. Crowds were reported as marching towards the Ministry of the Interior and their were fears of escalating violence as protests mounted against the police handling of the incidents.

Source :

NAU - Agencies