Egypt's Non-Islamists Give Up on Constitutional Panel

Lundi 2 Avril 2012

Believing Islamist control of the process of drafting Egypt’s new constitution is absolute and not open to minority voices, Christian Copts and liberals have opted out of the process and will boycott the constitutional process.
Egypt's Non-Islamists Give Up on Constitutional Panel
One hundred recently elected parliamentarians were selected to serve on the committee drafting the new charter, but few were from outside the  Islamist bloc dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice party and the Salafist Al-Nour party. Most non-Islamists have opted out of the process, the Medialine reports.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate for the presidency instantly became the odds-on  favorite to win the
upcoming election after they reversed their original decision not to stand a candidate and named a businessman Khairat al-Shater, who is the party’s chief funder as their presidential candidate.
The panel tasked with writing the country’s new charter, whose members were elected by legislators, is made up of nearly  60 percent Islamists from the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) and the more conservative Salafist Al-Nour party.
By fielding a client after they had promised not to The Muslim Brotherhood risks loosing the consensus with the other political  parties and different communities and ruling in isolation just as the old National Democratic Paryt did under the former regime, thus  presenting a possible threat to the democratic process.
 The confrontation with the Supreme Military Council (SCAF) is also  far from resolved. 

Source :

Nau - Agencies