Egypt detains 300 over deadly clashes

Lundi 7 Mai 2012

Demonstrations outside the Ministry of Defence in the Abbassiya district of Cairo have ended and the army is holding 300 protestors in prison of 15 days. One soldier was killed and scores of protestors wounded.
Egypt detains 300 over deadly clashes
A curfew around the Ministry of Defence remained in place on Saturday and despite a determined attempt by Salafists to break into the Ministry of Defence the army held firm and retains control, despite a substantail initial demonstration in Tahrir Square  of over 100,000 by  both islamic and secular protestors.

Many newspapers called for an end to the violence AFP reported. Despite islamists fears thatthe army  would try to maintain some hold on power the elections appear on course and the army remains in control. The islamic presidential candidates, including  the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Mursi his main Islamist rival Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh, a former Brotherhood member, who suspended their election campaign will now have to decide whether to restart their electioneering.   

The  Suprme Council of the Armed Forces has promised to return power to civilian rule following the election of  a President.The presidential elections are slated for  May 23 and 24 with a run-off for June 16 and 17 if there is no outright winner.


Source :

NAU - Agencies