Egypt : NGO proceedings not over.

Dimanche 18 Mars 2012

Despite the lifting of a travel ban on some of the American NGO personnel and the resignation of the tribunal judges,the proceedings are set to continue and the stakes are still high.
Egypt : NGO proceedings not over.
However, the crisis remains far from resolved. The charges against these individuals remain in place, and the presiding judge has ordered the foreign NGO workers to return to Egypt for the resumption of the trial on April 10. Broader concerns about attacks on civil society in Egypt have also not been assuaged.

In addition to the five international organizations being charged—namely, the National Democratic Institute, International Republican Institute, Freedom House, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and International Center for Journalists—there are as many as 400 Egyptian NGOs that are listed in the Ministry of Justice’s report of its investigation that have not yet been formally charged, but whose employees live in a constant climate of fear. Moreover, the lifting of the travel ban has only stirred more outrage among many Egyptians—even those who opposed the investigation—over what they see as U.S. government interference in a domestic judicial process.

Against this backdrop, the U.S. administration is now finalizing important decisions regarding Egypt’s military assistance. In the 2012 appropriations bill passed by Congress in December, delivery of this aid is contingent upon certification that the “Government of Egypt is supporting the transition to civilian government including holding free and fair elections; implementing policies to protect freedom of expression, association, and religion, and due process of law.”

Egypt’s crackdown on civil society, which the Obama administration has stated repeatedly is an important pillar of a robust democracy, inhibits Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from certifying that the aforementioned conditions have been met. Indeed, several U.S. government officials have stated that this issue has not been resolved because of broader civil society concerns.  Furthermore, this assault occurs amidst a broader deterioration of human rights in Egypt—one recent example being the referral of 12 prominent activists and intellectuals to military court on charges of“incitement to demolish the state and against the military rulers.”

As the Obama administration prepares to make a decision on military assistance, it must consider that delivering this aid under the current circumstances could signal to Egyptians that the U.S. is only concerned about the security of its own citizens, rather than the broader democratic transition, confirming their worst suspicions.

Source :

NAU - Agencies