Echoroukonline :Time has come for an Islamic victory in Algeria, Moroccan PM says

Jeudi 15 Mars 2012

The newly elected head of the Moroccan government Abdelilah Benkirane has declared that time has come for the Algerian Islamists to lead the country through their victory in the upcoming legislative elections.
Echoroukonline :Time has come for an Islamic victory in Algeria, Moroccan PM says
Talking to Echoroukonline in a wide –ranging interview, the Moroccan Prime Minister asserted that it was inconceivable that the Islamists in Algeria would not t rise to power following the examples of Tunisia and Morocco and that the sole factor that could prevent this, is the existence of a number of political parties.

Benkirane has indicated that the borders between the two countries will not be closed eternally but he declined to fix a date for their reopening. He has declared that history will overcome the hurdles.

Talking about the strained relations between Algeria and Morocco, Mr Benkirane indicated that despite the apparent tensions, there were positive developments in the offing although the Algerian authorities are still reluctant. But he feels good vibrations coming from Morocco's eastern borders (ina  reference to Algeria).  He feels that the Moroccan and Algerian people have a strong fraternal relationship and sooner or later the borders will reopen again and pave the way for the reconstruction of the Arab Maghreb Union, he added.
Replying to a question over a date for the reopening of the borders, the Moroccan Premier has noted that the frontiers were open from the Moroccan side and he looked forward to the opening on theAlgerian side. He could not give  a date for this but experts close to the issue believe that the moment is approaching, he said.

 Although high –ranking officials from the two countries exchanged visits like that one paid by the Moroccan Foreign Minister, Saad Eddine Al Othmani to Algeria and his Algerian opposite number Mourad Medelci to Morocco, Mr Benkirane asserted that a visit at the highest level was not on the agenda yet.

The Moroccan Prime Minister said  that the Arab Maghreb Union project was not a stillbirth one but faced several hurdles right at the beginning. With God’s will, he said, there will be a fresh start because the context has changed with wind of change that swept through Tunisia, Morocco and Libya and even Mauritania is well prepared.

As to the nature of relations between the Moroccan and Algerian Islamic parties, Benkirane indicated that they exchange views between themselves extensively, noting that even if the Islamists do not take the Algerian presidency they will be present in the government. The problem in Algeria is that there are several Islamic parties and this could reduce their chances to take power in Algeria, he said.

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