EU supports new ILO project to promote job creation in Tunisia

Mardi 8 Mai 2012

Head of the European Union Delegation to Tunisia Adrianus Koetsenruijter, Monday, took stock of co-operation between the European Union and Tunisia since the Revolution of January 14 at a lunchtime discussion with media representatives, on the celebration of Europe Day.
EU supports new ILO project to promote job creation in Tunisia
The European Union will seek to help Tunisia settle some social and economic problems particularly in the regions said Mr Koetsensruijter renewing the different actions taken to thgis effect.He referred to the efforts made by the EU to improve basic infrastructure insome regions including  the construction of roads and urban regeneration. In his answers to journalists he highlihted the actions taken by the EU to reduce unemployment in addition to financing job generating projects.

The EU has also contributed to resolving the problem of refugees in the south of Tunisia by resettling them in other countries, he said.As part of its programmes to support developments in the regions the European Delegation is paying a visit to Siliana on Tuesday.

During his visit the head of the EU delegation will hold a meeting with the local governor,representatives of civil society and local youth around the possiblities of regional development.He will also visit three European Union funded projects in the region.

The European Union has agreed to provide an amount of € 6.5 million to create jobs through labour-intensive investments in order to facilitate the reintegration of jobless youth and boost local economic development in five Tunisian provinces ("gouvernorats") that had been marginalized for political reasons by the defunct Ben Ali regime.

The project is part of the EU-Tunisia programme named "support programme to the development of disadvantaged regions", which has a duration of three years.

The project agreement was signed in Tunisia on 30 March 2012 by Mr. Jameleddine Gharbi, Minister of Regional Development and Planning, Mr Adrianus Koetsenruijter, Head of the EU Delegation in Tunisia, and Mr. Jürgen Schwettmann, Director of the ILO's Partnerships and Development Cooperation Department.

Project implementation was expected to commence on 1 May 2012.


Source :

NAU - Agencies