Conversation with 2018 FIFA World Cup volunteers

Vendredi 20 Juillet 2018

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Hello!

Remark: Good afternoon.

Vladimir Putin: Did you work here?

Remark: Yes, we did. Here and nearby.

Vladimir Putin: I have already mentioned that and would like to say again words of gratitude to the volunteers who are here now and all other volunteers who did such a professional job and put their hearts and souls into the World Cup. You not only did it, but you did a great job. Of course, your contribution was a big part of the success of this World Cup, and I would like to once again thank you for that.

Remark: Thank you.

Vladimir Putin: What other events do you plan to work at as volunteers?

Remark: The Universiade in Krasnoyarsk.

Vladimir Putin: Did any of you do any training?

Remark: We all did. Two years.

Vladimir Putin: Two years?

Remark: Some had it for more than two years, others less, as everyone joined this programme at different times.

Vladimir Putin: All that was not in vain?

Remark: Of course, not.

Vladimir Putin: Who worked here in Kaliningrad?

Remark: Mostly, the red team, people from the organising committee.

Vladimir Putin: It certainly was a big event for the city and the entire region.

Remark: Yes, of course.

Remark: Mr President, I am a great patriot of our Motherland and our city.

Vladimir Putin: You are also a volunteer, correct?

Remark: I am a teacher of Spanish, and when I found out that our city will host the World Cup match between Spain and Morocco, I certainly could not stay away, especially since not so many people in our city speak Spanish. I wanted to be useful, to make new friends, and to tell tourists about our Motherland. So, I met many Spanish speakers, including people from Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and Spain. I wanted Spain to win in the match against Morocco.

Vladimir Putin: But not the match against Russia? (Laughter.)

Remark: I asked people how they like Russia, our city and our people. Everyone had very positive things to say. I said that our people are hospitable and always welcome friends with an open heart. I hope that after this World Cup we will have many new friends in Latin America and all Spanish-speaking countries. I also hope more tourists will come to Russia and our region. I have such a hope.

Vladimir Putin: That is what most likely is going to happen.

Remark: We, volunteers, were the ones who showed them that we are such people.

To be continued.

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