Clinton participating in “Friends of Syria” Meeting in Tunis

Vendredi 24 Février 2012

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is joining her counterparts today from more than 70 countries in Tunisia as the international community continues its efforts to stop the Syrian government’s slaughter of Syrian civilians and to promote a democratic transition in the country.
Clinton participating in “Friends of Syria” Meeting in Tunis
According to a February 21 statement from State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland, Clinton will be in Tunis on February 24 and 25 to participate in the first meeting of the “Friends of Syria” group, which will include some of Syria’s neighbors and Syrian opposition representatives.

State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner told reporters February 22 that the immediate goals of the conference will be to discuss ways of getting humanitarian assistance to the Syrian people as well as trying to stop the Syrian government’s onslaught against the city of Homs and achieve a cease-fire.

“We expect a very large showing from five continents and talk about all the issues that we’ve been discussing: how we can tighten the sanctions further working nationally and regionally, what we can do to get more humanitarian aid to those who are suffering, and how we can support the opposition in presenting a united front representing the interests of all Syrians for a democratic process going forward,” Toner said.

Toner said the meeting would also discuss how to promote a democratic transition along the lines of a plan developed by Syria’s neighbors in the Arab League.

On February 4, the U.N. Security Council failed to adopt a resolution backing the Arab League’s proposals for an end to the violence, for the release of political prisoners, and for Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad to delegate power to the Syrian vice president and allow the creation of a national government of unity.

Toner said that despite the United Nations’ failure, “the vast majority of the international community … stands squarely on the side of the Syrian people.”

“The question is, what do we do?” he said,

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