Burkino Faso and Algeria : total convergnce of views.

Lundi 27 Février 2012

The Algerian Minister in charge of Maghreb and African Affairs, Mr. Abdelakader Messahel said in Algiers that there is a "total convergence" of views between Algeria and Burkina Faso on "major" concerns related to security in the Sahel region and the situation in northern Mali in particular.
Burkino Faso and Algeria : total convergnce of views.
Messahel said the "major concerns" relating to security in the region, including the situation in northern Mali have been raised during his talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation of Burkina Faso, Mr. Djibril Bassole, El Moudjahid reported.

In a press statement, Messahel said he had "called for an immediate end of hostilities between government forces and Tuareg rebels in Mali", stressing "the need to go to elections on time", the presidential elections in Mali are scheduled for late April.

"The cessation of hostilities and the start of negotiations could open the door to meet the deadline for presidential elections in Mali," Messahel said.

 He noted in this regard that "any solution to the conflict in Mali must be found by Malians and sought after by themselves with an Algerian facilitation", also expressing his opposition to the "proliferation of initiatives". Messahel added that Algeria and Burkina Faso have the "same agenda", consisting of a solution within the framework of the "preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Mali" in the context, he explained of an "inclusive dialogue between all parties."

 The Burkinabe Minister had said his country "supports" the Algerian initiative, calling on different parts (in Mali) to engage in this dialogue initiative. Regarding the terrorist threat facing the region, Messahel said that Algeria and Burkina  Faso have agreed to exchange information about connections "increasingly large" between organized crime, major drug trafficking, and human of all kinds as well as terrorism. "We discussed the impact and collusions of these scourges with other groups like AQIM and Boko Haram because these situations challenge us and force us as neighbors and allies to work together to address these threats,"  Messahel said.
 The African agenda was also included and the two ministers discussed the election to the presidency of the Commission of the African Union (AU), which will take place on the eve of the "decisive" AU summit scheduled for next June in Malawi. 

In this sense, the two ministers called on Africans to show "intelligence" to elect the president of the AU Commission on March 17 in Cotonou (Benin), which enable the continent,which  faces many challenges, to focus on what is essential for governance, peace and security.

With regard to bilateral cooperation between Algeria and Burkina Faso, the two ministers expressed "satisfaction" with bilateral relations, especially after the recently held seventh session of the Joint Committee in Ouagadougou, thanks to which six agreements were signed.  Mr Messahel and Mr Bassole agreed to "intensify" cooperation, particularly in the areas of training, mining, energy, trade and agricultural hydraulics.

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/Burkino-Faso-an...