Algerian Elections 2012 : The parties are calling for a strong participation in legislative elections, especially the young.

Lundi 27 Février 2012

Several political parties focused on Saturday on the role of youth in the coming parliamentary elections on May 10, calling for a high turnout, further underlining the importance of the speech onpThursday by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika in Arzew (Oran) reports APS.
Algerian Elections 2012 : The parties are calling for a strong participation in legislative elections, especially the young.
Thus, the spokesman for the National Democratic Rally (RND), Miloud Chorfi, in Adrar called for broad participation in the legislative elections, particularly with young people, to "defeat the conspiracy lovers". Mr. Chorfi has "welcomed" the speeches of the president in which he stressed the importance to be given to youth and different categories of society.

For his part, Secretary General of the En-Nahda movement, Fateh Rebiai, said in Algiers that the forthcoming parliamentary elections were an opportunity to make a "peaceful change". Mr. Rebiai who chaired the opening session of a special session of  the Majless Echoura movement, said the legislative elections on May 10 were "an opportunity to effect peaceful change through the ballot box", by endorsing a "historic responsibility" those who would miss this appointment to the Algerians.

The General Secretary of En-Nahda movement has called on political parties "to be present at all stages of the electoral process, particularly in the municipal committees and wilayas including when collecting, counting and announcement of results." He welcomed the statements made to the highest summit of the state on the importance of the integrity of the ballot, hoping that they "are accompanied by a series of measures".

The President of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP), Bouguerra Soltani said that the President has outlined in his speech at the 41th Anniversary of the nationalization of hydrocarbons, a electoral map making everyone aware of their historical responsibilities. "This roadmap contains many external constraints and internal turmoil that puts everyone infront of their historic responsibility," said Mr. Soltani at the opening of the Advisory Board of the MSP.

"Algeria must be in tune with the latest developments and meet the challenge of credibility to avoid any external threat, under the pretext of democracy and human rights," he added.

The president of the Front for Justice and Development (FJD), Abdallah Djaballah, meanwhile said  on Saturday  at Sétif that he will take part in upcoming elections to "support the change." Mr. Djaballah expressed "optimism" about the "positive" results that will carry his party which will thus lead the national struggle "as a separate step, no other party has  advocated compassion, support in good and piety, to serve the country and people ". Mr. Djaballah found that the willingness to move towards a political opening is still "limited" and that "elites in possession of the decision are not ready to change", while reiterating his commitment to an "Islamic political path" .

At Chlef, the general secretary of the Workers Party (PT), Louisa Hanoune, described the legislation on May 10  as "a milestone" for the future of Algeria, whose liability to make an " historic appointment  " which is the responsibility of both the political class and the Algerian people. She urged citizens to participate "massively"  in the ballot she described as "quite different from previous", while warning that "any deviation may expose Algeria to serious dangers, especially because of  the current favorable environment for all eventualities. "

The Secretary General of Algerian Renewal Party (PRD), Kamel Bensalem, described the last speech of the Head of State  as a"message of hope" and called on citizens to go "massively" to the polls May 10 The general coordinator of the Youth Party (PJ, being established), Hamana Boucherma, announced  on Saturday in Algiers, the participation of his party in parliamentary elections to provide young people "the opportunity to hold positions of responsibility and make a positive change in society ".

Referring to the main objectives of the PJ, Mr Boucherma stressed the need "to review the management and administration, fight against corruption and bureaucracy and devote thyemselves to justice and fairness among all members of society".

The President of El Karama party, Mohamed Benhamou, told Relizane that "change in Algeria must necessarily going through reforms to be undertaken by the people, especially youth, to prevent foreign interference in the internal affairs of the country".

He also called for "massive"  participation in the upcoming legislative  elections and  the "choice" to elect candidates to serve in Parliament. On the other hand, Youcef Hamidi was elected president of the Algerian National Party (ANP), at a constituent congress held in Oran, which adopted the statutes and rules within the PNA.

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