Algerian British trade volume increases by 96% in a year

Samedi 10 Mars 2012

The volume of trade between Algeria and Britain increased by 96% in 2011 compared to 2010, according to statistics provided by the Algerian Embassy in Britain, APS reports.
Algerian British trade volume increases by 96% in a year

Exports by Algeria to the United Kingdom rose by 111% during the same period, the source said.

 In value, the amount of trade between the two countries reached £2 billion (2.2 billion euros) in 2011, hydrocarbons constituted the bulk of exports. This amount has tripled since 2006, said the source, APS concludes.

The Algerian market is regarded by the British as a market with "high potential". Many economic missions have visited Algeria during the past year, under the auspices of the Algerian-British Business Council.

Economic cooperation is increasing in other sectors, including tourism, agriculture, industry, education and training.

British companies working in Algeria include  BP,British Gas, BHP Billiton,Shell,Glaxo Smith Kline and HSBC  Bank amongst others.

The Algerian Embassy in London's website shows that in 2010 Algeria's exports were  mainly hydrocarbons 97.14 per cent,( $ 55.04 billion ) Non-hydrocarbon exports were 2.86 per cent of the total volume, $1.62 billion.

The main imports were foodstuffs including cereals,semolina,flour,dairy products,including milk,sugar and confectionary and dried vegetables. The total amount for imports was $3.95 billion. The import items include consumer goods , medicines($1.66 billion) and passenger vehicles($1.44 billion).

Source :

NAU - Agencies