Algeria ready to help mediate in Mali

Mardi 28 Février 2012

Algeria reiterated its readiness to mediate in the conflict in northern Mali, Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci siad on Monday in Algiers, APS reports.
Algeria ready to help mediate in Mali
"We're providing our Malian brothers with our mediation capacity and we want to see the different parts (in conflict) in Mali sit around a table to solve their problems in respect of the territorial unity "said Medelci.

Medelci made this statement to the press after an audience granted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation of Burkina Faso, Djibrill Bassole, visiting Algeria within the framework of "consultations" with leaders Algerian and information exchange between the two countries on the situation in the region.

Given the situation there, a consultation meeting was held in Algiers (2-4 February 2012) between the Malian government delegation led by the Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr Soumeylou Boubèye Maiga, and a delegation from the Democratic Alliance for Change May 23, under the aegis of the Facilitation of the Algiers Agreement of 4 July 2006.

The Malian people have fled the north because of the conflict between government troops and Tuareg rebels. For his part, Mr. Bassole said in a press statement, that his country "supports" the Algerian initiative to settle the conflict in northern Mali, where initiative is the preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of this country.

"We support the Algerian initiative and we call on the parties (in Mali) to engage in this dialogue initiative", said Minister of Burkina Faso. "We also call on African structures to support this initiative because we believe that we are supporting each other, we can certainly provide Malians through resolution of their crisis," he said.

Mr. Bassole said that "the belligerents should cease hostilities so that we, Africans, can cope with a deteriorating humanitarian situation in the region and we can well preserve the gains of democracy and alternation power "(in Mali).

For Mr. Bassole, "the most important thing is to see the political class in Mali achieve a dialogue to end the conflict." The Minister in charge of Maghreb and African Affairs, Abdelkader Messahel who also met with Minister of Burkina Faso, said in a press statement that there is a "total convergence" of views between Algeria and Burkina Faso concerns about "major" related to security in the Sahel region and the situation in northern Mali in particular.

Messahel said he had "called for the immediate cessation of hostilities between government forces and Tuareg rebels in Mali", stressing "the need to go to elections on time," the presidential in Mali is scheduled for late April next.

"The cessation of hostilities and the start of negotiations could open the door to meet the deadline for presidential elections in Mali," said Messahel.

He noted in this regard that "any solution to the conflict must be  Malian and sought after by themselves with an Algerian facilitation", also expressing his opposition to the "proliferation of initiatives".

Messahel added that Algeria and Burkina Faso have the "same agenda", consisting of a solution within the framework of the "preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Mali" and an "inclusive" dialogue between all parties.

Moreover, the Minister Delegate in charge of Maghreb and African Affairs announced that Algeria has decided to provide humanitarian aid to Malian refugees who fled their country to Niger, Burkina Faso and Mauritania.

This aid will be provided towards the end of this week to Malian refugees who left the north after the events affecting the region.

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