Algeria: discovery of more than 40 missiles buried in the sand

Mardi 21 Février 2012

The Algerian security services have uncovered an arsenal of war, including 43 missiles buried in the sand, at In Amenas in the southeast of Algeria near the Libyan border, The Algerian daily El Watan reported on Monday.
Algeria: discovery of more than 40 missiles buried in the sand
According to the newspaper, 15 portable anti-aircraft missiles and 28 SA-24 surface to air missile SAM-7 made ​​in Russia and a large quantity of ammunition were found.

 No indication was given as to the date of this discovery.

 Hidden under the sand, 43 km from the Libyan border, the weaponry was discovered thanks to information supplied by smugglers and traffickers active in the  the desert, the source said.

 "The SAM-7 missiles pose serious threats to civil aviation. They can reach aircraft flying from 3500 to 4000 m altitude. A serious threat to be considered for aircraft taking off or landing at airports in the region, including  Zarzaitine at Amenas, "said El Watan quoted an unidentified source.

 According to the daily Ennahar, the Libyan Ministry of Defence has given to Algerians plans recovered in the offices of the intelligence of the old regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi indicating the positions where weapons are buried in Algerian territory.

 The Libyan leader deposed and killed last year had such weapons also buried in Mali and Niger in anticipation of a long battle to regain power, the newspaper said without citing sources.

 Algiers would agree to return these weapons to Libya, according to the Arabic daily.

 Algerian leaders have repeatedly expressed, like their neighbors, the fear that weapons of Libya could end up in the hands of Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) present in the Sahel region.

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