Algeria: A suicide bomber strikes at gendarmerie in Tahaggart

Samedi 3 Mars 2012

A suicide bomber, driving a Toyota station wagon, blew himself up shortly before 8 in the morning on Saturday 3 March inside the territorial headquarters of the National Gendarmerie at Tahaggart, in the wilaya of Tamanrasset.
 Algeria: A suicide bomber strikes at  gendarmerie in Tahaggart
There were considerable casualties with 32 were injured including 24 policemen 5 men from civil defense and 3 civilians, according to an authorised  security source. Three of the policemen were seriously injured, the source said. All victims were evacuated by the elements of civil protection to the local hospital.

 The bomber drove into the gate of the headquarters of the national gendarmerie in forceful in its path 03 vehicles from the same institution before  his vehicle exploded, creating a gaping hole in the walls of this institution, El Watan's correspondent on the spot reported.

 The damage is enormous: the windows of the administration building were shattered after the blast. The walls of the  building did not withstand the force of the explosion which caused collateral damage to a passenger bus belonging to the management unit of air services (UGSA) and vehicles that passed near the headquarters of the National Gendarmerie.

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