50th Anniversary Algerian Independence: films shown 2 - 30 April in Madrid

Lundi 2 Avril 2012

Motion pictures and documentaries will be screened from 2 to 30 April in Madrid to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of Algeria, and at the initiative of the Spanish cultural institution "La Casa Arab", it says on the institution's website.
50th Anniversary Algerian Independence: films shown  2 - 30 April in Madrid
Cinephiles and the public will be invited to discover or rediscover "A pilgrim people" René Vautier (1963), "The Battle of Algiers" by the Italian Gillo Pontecorvo (1965), "Outside the Law" by Rachid Bouchareb (2010 ) and "Gallic Cartridges" by Mehdi Charef.

 Created in July 2006 by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) and the governments of Madrid and Andalusia, and the cities of Madrid and Cordoba, the "Casa Arabe" aims to strengthen and consolidate relations between Spain and the Arab-Muslim world and is a bridge between the Arab and Western worlds.

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/50th-Anniversar...

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